Cooling System

Protect your cooling tower and increase plant operating efficiency with Îtechem’s advanced water treatment technologies.

Cooling tower systems recirculate water to remove heat generated from various industrial processes. Cooling tower make-up water is needed to replace water lost in a cooling cycle after its evaporation and the blowdown required to control solids buildup.

The primary objectives of cooling water treatment are to maintain the cooling water system´s operating efficiency and protect the equipment that contacts the cooling water. If cooling tower make-up water is not treated correctly or maintained, corrosion, scale and solids deposition can occur. These problems may cause system downtime, reduced equipment efficiency, the need for equipment replacement, and may increase the risk of disease from pathogenic microorganisms.

Depending on the region, water source, and cooling tower type, you may require some technologies to treat make-up water before it enters the system. The treatment process typically includes suspended solids removal, dissolved solids removal, softening, pH adjustment, dosing of biocides for bacterial control, and anticorrosion agents. 

We offer a variety of solutions to meet your specific cooling system goals.

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